Three More Days

22 May 2016

Summer holidays are absolutely more exciting when they come after school or colleges exams. Now that I am a working woman, I dont get to enjoy summer in the same spirit. I had a nostalgic feeling when my sister finished her last college exam paper last summer. I had invited her to my place for a weekend, so that we could spend time together.

She came to a totally new place, new home, new city and new lifestyle. We had a lot of fun on that weekend. Monday came and I had to run to my office. My sister felt like staying for longer but didn’t know what to do without me and was worried she would get bored all day.

Having thought for some time, we had an idea. I offered her three fancy canvasses and asked her to make paintings and make a nice theme.

Yay! My plan worked, and she came with up a peacock theme. She found it very interesting to work on these paintings and it engaged her so much, that she ended up staying with me for three more days. We even got to spend another weekend together.

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